
Ruby Strikes Back, then Fails

from Ruby Strikes Back: http://oldmoe.blogspot.com/2009/04/ruby-strikes-back.html ConclusionRuby is faster the OCaml. Wrong! OCaml is a lot faster than Ruby. But thanks to hard work by some prominent Rubyists you can have a Ruby setup that…

recursive module で polymorphic recursion を書く

OCaml 3.12.0 より明示的に型を書くことで polymorphic recursion (多相再帰) が簡単に書けるようになりました: let rec len : 'a. 'a sep -> int = function | Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, sep) -> 1 + 2 * len sep let rec ... in ... で定義される値は、in の後…

let module は expansive ?

# let id = let module M = struct end in fun x -> x ;; val id : '_a -> '_a = <fun>なんでですか?あんまり考えてないってのもあるけど、ヤバイ例が思いつきません。Caml mantis でも、 What you propose is changing the value restriction to accept a local</fun>…

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